Sound is Alive At the Orpheum Annex

I had the opportunity to perform at the Orpheum Annex today and this experience allowed me to share with you some behind-the-scenes observations of performance hall design. annex-from-top-of-stairs_rdax_1000x667         annex-from-catwalk_rdax_1000x667

This performance and rehearsal space is connected to the Vancouver Symphony of Orchestra School of Music. The theatrical design and consulting was done by DWD Theatre Design and Consulting. The space is decorated with red and black draperies that are interchangeable. The sound in this space is extremely alive, capturing the pitch and tone of every note extremely well. Other features of this space include adaptable theatrical/performance lighting and retractable seating.

Here are some of the things I observed from the design:

  • Flooring is absorbent and offers sound reduction – it appears to be vinyl or laminate with sound absorbency substrate. This is great for performers wearing heels as they walk on and off stage - the sound does not carry through as the sound of an instrument would. It is also durable. However, the adjacent performance space, Pyatt Hall utilizes wood flooring. You can learn more about different flooring materials and sound reduction here.
  • Backstage and front entry to the space has vestibule for noise elimination.
  • Backstage has a TV monitor showing the stage live. This is useful for backstage crew for cues.
  • Backstage dressing room is equipped with a washroom with shower.
  • Performance halls connect to the same backstage. There is a food preparation area connected.