Circle of Brothers

Capstone Project 2014

Circle of Brothers is a sanctuary space for men to manage crisis and struggles. Situated in East Vancouver, this project is to bring public awareness to mental health, while providing those in need with support and social integration.

Research guided this project fundamentally. Various methods of qualitative and quantitative research were conducted to identify problems, questions, and design solution.

This sanctuary space includes a gymnasium, woodworking shop, various arts, fitness, and learning studio spaces to promote and encourage social interaction and participation. An outdoor area with seating, sinks, and toilet provides basic needs.



Much of the materials and furnishing used will be durable, bold, rustic, and sustainable. Form with bold lines and shapes speaks to the solidarity and unity of the Circle of Brothers. Indirect lighting will create asymmetrical balance within the space. The historical and industrial context of Strathcona will be reflected, steering away from an institutionalized environment.